So I got home last night because Nicole wasn't coming back, and me and Pat made plans, pluuuus it was suppose to snow and ice, so I ditched that Jenky BoBo city early and headed for home. After it taking over 2 1/2 hours to get to Princeton, which certainly cant be the fastest way, since they took me all the way to philly, literally i past the lincoln center, and then across on 206 around Yardley, I finally got the Sushi Palace, and was ready to consume. I hadn't eaten in 24 hours so I was so excited, and unlike last time I wasn't fucking around. Also I def didn't have 25 dollars on my card, so i probably overdrew in the proccess, but it was worth it. Well after about 30-40 rolls and god knows how many sushi pieces, all topped off with several servings of ice cream and fried bananas (holy shit fried bananas are amazing) it was time to leave, and we were all stuffed and felt like dying as usual. So night one of the break was good, got to meet Pat's friend who was at one time a top 10 WoW players, as well as were loud as shit laughing about simpsons, south park, and other great things because we were the last people left in the resturant, then I drove home and got to catch season 3 of Dexter, which I thought was good, but people are gonna be like "it was slow, he barely killed anyone.... IT WASNT AS GOOD AS SEASON 2" but these people didnt even like season 1 and got into dexter on dvd so fuck them.
Anyway, now for the plans for the next few days which will probably fall through as everything I try to plan always does cause people are lame-azoid (geometrically lame, predictablly lame in an equation form). Today Im headed out to the mall with Kenny, who I havnt seen in so long, and hopefully we have a good BOP convo and get some shit done for once (usually my laziness fault), then Jon will hopfully be home at a decent hour and we will hang. Tomorrow on Monday, me, Jeff, and Jon are all suppose to head to the city to see the wrestler which WILL be amazing, no hoping here, and until it gets more press and publicity will still just be looked at as a dumb movie about wrestling, (like Nicole who thought it was stupid for the past weeks ive been talking about it then I showed her the trailer the other night and she practically begged me to go see it with her). Hopfully we will also spot some Madheads gear in the flick.
Then monday night after the movie, I (and HOPEFULLY others) make their way to Parsons to invade Beryl's personal space and read her super thesis comic about her in china, which i was edited out of, what bullshit. Then tuesday morning I want to force myself to wake up early to go to her final crit, which I will sit in on, not say anything, than afterwards make fun of pretty much everyone in her class including her, cause illustration majors are beat. Then she has class later that day, what a clown, so Ill probably head back to the train station alone, with no goodbye or handshake, as Beryl a true friend often ends our hang out sesh.
AND THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN, its Wednesday, CHRISTMAS EVE, which at this point is just as bad as Christmas day and Thanksgiving, where we dont do anything worthwhile, but HAVE to be there, and can't go hang out, and then we are draaaaggged to the CUT, which thankfully we are NOT doing this year.
So thats my week, Im guessing besides the mall with Kenny, the rest will not happen do to the shitty snow and just plain laziness. Also I have no money for gifts, and forgot to hand make some like a cheap art student, so we all might be doing xmas the week after, which will make shopping alot easier hopfully. Hopfully I get what i