Saturday, August 29, 2009

as a BOY, in Madden 92 I always ran the same PLAY

Today me and Alan came into the posession of several dozen Playboys from the 60's and 70's, when the models were perfect womenz. Hopefully in the next week, the creation of an amazing collage will come out of this for a Byrds of Paradise poster or cover or something. I'll probably also try to work on a piece from the Octshowber, get it cause its a show, and in october? get it? While looking through my folder of images I have saved for future collages and such I came across a great Elton John cover for his Greatest hits 1970-2002, which would make an awesome rip off piece with Kenny's face, or anyones for that matter. Well hopefully some good pieces come soon, but for now I will keep watching the newest season of Degrassi that is sooo awkward and its all new young kids who i dont like.... except for that Muslim chick, shes banging, and her brother is Irfon.

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